
Special Facebook Aency Accounts

No deposit required, no account creation fee.

Unique Advantages at Nemi Ads

Free account opening

Exclusive great deals only at NEMIADS


No need to approve content

Unlimited domains

Easy Conversions, POD, Trademark

Just 5% Fee

Extremely low fee

Extremely Strong account

Provided by Meta
No fear products Policy Violations

Unlimited Spending

Easy approval, Easy scale up campaign



Spending Budget from 5,000$

Fee 5% Month

  • No account opening fee
  • No deposit required
  • Top up minimum of $50 after the account is activated.
  • Top up minimum 500$ per transaction

NEMI ADS provides account rental services specifically for special products that violates policies.


Spas, and beauty clinics


Trademarked products


Functional foods




Brand products



Optimal advertising Support

NEMI ADS is ready to provide advice so that you can have the most effective campaign


24/7 support

We provide 24/7 support for all issues related to advertising account, including outside of business hours and on holidays.


Recovery Facebook page

We provide support in retrieving pages and accounts when they are restricted.


High security

The account only runs on registered pages and domains, without the worry of interference.

Customer Testimonials

Mình đi thuê tài khoản invoice ở rất nhiều bên, nhung chọn gắn bó lâu nhất là NEMI ADS. Tài khoản ổn định, lúc nào các bạn hỗ trợ cũng nhiệt tình.

Anh Giáp Kinh doang online

Customer Testimonials

Đừng mong tối ưu quảng cáo nếu không có TKQC khỏe để chạy. Từ khi thuê Tk Invoice của NEMI ADS tôi đã không còn lo về TKQC nữa.

Anh Sơn Kinh doanh Online

Customer Testimonials

Kinh doanh trên Facebook thời điểm này thì cần có TKQC ổn định. Làm việc với NEMI ADS mình chạy cả năm trời mà không lo gì cả.

Anh Thế Anh Kinh doanh online

Customer Testimonials

Đi thuê TKQC mình từng gặp rất nhiều vấn đề: tiền vào chậm , support kém,... Cuối cùng, mình cũng đã chọn được 1 đơn vị thuê TK Invoice ưng ý - đó là NEMI ADS.

Anh Duy Kinh Doanh Online

    Workflow Process

    We have a clear and straightforward working process, providing customer support wherever and whenever needed.

    Step 1:

    The customer provides resources: page, Business Manager, domain.

    Step 2:

    Nemi Ads reviews the product.

    Step 3:

    The customer makes the deposit and opens the account.

    Step 4:

    Nemi Ads assists in setting up resources.

    Step 5:

    Nemi Ads completes and registers the account.


    Step 1

    The customer provides resources: page, Business Manager, domain.


    Step 2

    Nemi Ads reviews the product.


    Step 3

    The customer makes the deposit and opens the account.

    icon nemi ads

    Step 4

    Nemi Ads assists in setting up resources to meet Facebook standards.


    Step 5

    Nemi Ads completes and registers the account.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Still have questions about Facebook invoice advertising accounts? We are here.

    It’s a type of account provided to Facebook partners, which can spend a significant budget and doesn’t require a credit card.

    This amount is to ensure that customers adhere to Nemi Ads’ regulations and Facebook’s policies during the advertising process. It will be refunded at the end of the contract.

     For customer security, only approved and registered domains, websites, landing pages, and fan pages can run advertisements.

    Nemi Ads will support appealing the account three times. If the account is not reinstated, the funds can be transferred to a new account.

    Nemi Ads will investigate policy violations. If the customer intentionally violated policies, a $200 penalty will be imposed. If it’s not the customer’s fault, a new account will be provided within the registered package.

    Nemi Ads won’t charge a service rate fee and will only charge a $200 account management fee.

    The account opening fee is $200 for 5 accounts. You can open accounts gradually based on your usage needs within the package.


    NEMI ADS is always ready to share new research and applications related to advertising accounts in particular and business in general.

    Contact NEMI ADS

    The support team of NEMI ADS always provides detailed consultation for customers before deciding to sign up for the service.

      All information filled in the form is 100% secure.